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New PCB revolution 时间:【2018-08-21】 共阅【3820】次 【打印】【返回

Wireless charging technology originates from wireless power transmission technology. Wireless charging, also known as induction charging, non-contact induction charging, is the use of near-field induction, that is, inductive coupling, by the power supply equipment (charger) to transmit energy to the device, the device uses the received energy to charge the battery, and at the same time for its own operation. Because the charger and the electrical device transmit energy by inductance coupling, there is no wire connection between them, so the charger and the electrical device can be made to have no conductive contact exposed.
        March 6, the news, Chuang Wei PCB board extension to share, wireless charging technology is the fastest growing area of the electronic industry, has been widely used. Consumers'demand for battery-powered portable electronic devices, as well as the inconvenience of continuous charging, have contributed to the rapid growth of this technology. With the rapid development of portable devices with wireless charging, wireless charging will become a part of our daily life, is a habit of portable devices.
        Magnetic induction (MI) and magnetic resonance (MR) are the two major wireless charging and transmission technologies in the consumer market, taking into account such factors as development standards, miniaturization solutions and low cost. Due to tight magnetic coupling, MI currently has high power transmission capacity, easy design, high conversion efficiency, and MR has more spatial freedom, each transmitter supports multiple receivers, which has less impact on the thermal accumulation of near-field metal objects.There are two main standards in the field of MRI: the'Qi'standard of the Wireless Charging Alliance (WPC) and the related standard of the Charging Things Alliance (PMA). For current MI-based portable device designers, this raises the question of whether Qi and PMA standards are compatible. The MR standard is mainly controlled by A4WP (wireless charging alliance). Product compatibility with Qi or PMA standards is currently under discussion and is expected to emerge next year based on 24WP. This article introduces wireless charging and related MI and MR technology. It will also discuss how chip manufacturers can implement today's MI wireless charging receiver IC to help overcome the dual standards of MI technology.

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